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The Beach

I stood still, alone and wanting. The wave brought in sand onto the shore, around my feet. Aspirations, cold with the evening breeze. The sand conspired to sink me deep and hold me there until its wish, until it chose to leave. I enjoyed, shrieked with joy and let out a gasp of ecstasy. I felt the sun smiling at a distance and millions of reflections that shimmered on the shiny beach.

Time had stood still, and so was I.

The wave decides to leave. The sand, which at one moment had held me tightly under its grip and refused to leave is now leaving me slowly, vanishing right under my feet. My body stumbles, unstable and confused, an effect of the ground being pulled away from underneath. The trust of familiar ground being broken. I feel hurt, a sinking pressure pulling me down and an unpleasant feeling of broken dreams. I look up and the sun fades below the horizon taking with it the glimmer, leaving behind a dull melancholic beach.

I am now ready to move, but I see a sprinkle of sand still sticking to my wet feet, some remnants that refuse to leave, but which eventually do. As I look forward to a new path leaving the shores of the past, a year that has gone by, I leave the dunes of bondage and walk away.

Come dawn, and I will stand to see the Sun rise and smile again.

Author: What does this picture evoke in you? Do leave a note.

12 responses to “The Beach

  1. Premila ⋅

    Thanks for sharing this..I love it.. Very well written.. keep exploring your talent…

  2. Thanks Premila 🙂 Your kind words inspire us to write . Do watch this space for more. !

  3. The moment is so minute but then so many thoughts are triggered by it. Wonderfully described, a few seconds are really years in our minds at times. 🙂

  4. Archana ⋅

    Very meaningful! 🙂 The write up and the picture is just perfect!Waiting to read more n more 🙂 All the best guys.. 🙂

  5. Pallavi ⋅

    wow!!!you really are blessed.The ease with which you pen down emotions thoughts makes me wish only if I could. Every time i read your notes it feels like you entered my mind and captured every minute thought. The beach made me remember our college days when we used to bunk classes or catch up in the evenings for a walk to the beach…The above thoughts don’t need a picture the words are just picture perfect.

  6. Karen ⋅

    As I’m ready to move ahead, I would love some sand to stick on… those sand grains are all the wonderful things I learnt and experienced through the good and not so good things that happened in the year that has a few more days left.. ..A collage of beautiful memories!
    I loved this article…beautifully written 🙂

  7. mpreeti

    nothing left to be said, you have just summed up what most of feel at the end of a year, and the beginning of a new one. sometimes you want to wash away all the traces of sand even its fragrance and yet, at times, you want to hold on to the grains, perhaps, that is all there is.

    • hold on to the grains, don we all do it! whether those of sadness, hatred, love or peace. hold on to every moment every emotion, letting go is so tough for us! thanks a lot for the read and the comment 🙂

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